Udon Capcom Fighting Game Tribute "Ultimatum"

The Final Piece.

The Final Piece.

Pencil Scan

Pencil Scan

Digital Inks

Digital Inks

Flat Colour Guide

Flat Colour Guide

Tones, Lights & Shadow

Tones, Lights & Shadow

Hadouken Effects

Hadouken Effects

As you can tell by the title this artwork was illustrated based off guidelines given for the Capcom based contest. I chose to do three characters i love dearly from a game i have been addicted to since Part 2 opened in the arcades. I hope you all like it. Illustration by: Kyle Smith©2015

Pencil - Blue Led & HB Pencil
AutodeskSketchbook Pro
Adobe Photoshop CS6
Wacom Cintiq 12Wx

April 9, 2015